A snowboarder performs a daredevil jump in foggy conditions in this atmospheric image taken by Lorenz Holder in Norway. "We built the jump, then set off a studio flash in the background, behind the hill, just as the fog came in," says Lorenz. "You can see what's happening but there's a mystical feel to it." Taken on a Canon EOS 5D Mark II (now succeeded by the Canon EOS 5D Mark IV) with a Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L USM lens (now succeeded by the Canon EF 24-70mm f/2.8L II USM) at 43mm, 1/200 sec, f/5 and ISO100. © Lorenz Holder
The small, shadowy silhouette of a snowboarder against an eerie green sky; a skater launching himself into the air using a red brick viaduct as a halfpipe: Canon Ambassador Lorenz Holder's images are striking for many reasons, but what makes them really stand out is that the sportspeople he photographs are often almost incidental. Instead, it's the dramatic backdrops that draw the eye, whether that's a snow-covered landscape or the crisp lines of an unusual structure.
"I always try to do something that nobody else has done before," says Lorenz. "I want people to ask 'how did he do that?' Thinking outside of the box – that's the fun part of photography and there's really no limit. You come up with ideas and experiment – maybe you have some luck or maybe it doesn't work, in which case you just start all over again."
It's that quest for boundary-breaking images – and his unique style and technique – that makes Lorenz the ideal pro behind the Redline Challenge. We asked him how he has built a career combining action and fine-art style photography and how he finds inspiration for his creative shots.